View Profile DrSalvadork



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DrSalvadork's News

Posted by DrSalvadork - August 23rd, 2011

Third year.

Posted by DrSalvadork - June 9th, 2010

First year of uni behind me. :)
Time sure runs fast... I wasnt even having much fun...

Hopefully I'll read some more on AS this summer.
Also Id want to get a job, but so far no luck... :(

Have a nice holiday, whoever happens to read this! :P

Posted by DrSalvadork - September 2nd, 2009

Yay, I'm in UNI now. Studying IT. On the road to complete nerdhood! :D

I even have thick books I can pull out if anyone doubts my nerdlyness! I dare you! :P

Probably wont have much time for animation... But I'll try sometime, maybe possibly. And there's always summer... Maybe, possibly.

See yah ppls!

Posted by DrSalvadork - August 9th, 2009

Well summer is soon over, so this is a weird time for a blog post. :P

I've been chatting a lot online during the summer vacation. Also I've been jogging and working out a bit, but like always I do it too sporadically, so I never seem to be improving. yay

I got a job for the last month, cleaning on the cruiser in the morning. It's only for an hour per day, so I don't get paid well, but it's better than nothing! :D

In about three weeks I'll start studying IT in the university. :)

Didn't get a tablet or the newest version of Flash, like I had thought I might. But it's ok, life is changing, and stuff is happening. I might even move out at some point. Scary! :P

Well, I want to most humbly thank all of my fans, every single one, for waiting ever so patiently for my new creations! :P

Take care Newgrounds ppls!

Posted by DrSalvadork - March 31st, 2009

Now I finally have an internet connection for my Wii, and I'd need some friends. I'd primarily need someone to exchange friend vouchers in Metroid Prime 3, and some ppl to play Brawl with. Preferably someone from Europe, but anywhere is fine.
Really weird that you can't find friends on the Wii, you have to find em elsewhere...

Anyhow, this is my Wii number, anyone can add it if you want.

0136 1142 7158 7185

My number in Brawl.


With the WFC, I've started to read the news on the News Channel, it's great! So far I've been totally clueless as to what's going on in the world. Now I know about the uneasiness caused by N Korea's missile launch, and I know what the G20 is, it's pretty interesting. Anyone have similar experiences?

Hope I'll see ya there!

Wii connect!

Posted by DrSalvadork - March 25th, 2009

I hadn't done anything Flash-related in a while, so I felt like doing something for practice. The results can be seen below.

Hmmm, now my final exam is finally over, but it doesn't mean I can relax yet. I still need to find a job for the summer, and I need to get into a new school to study in. I sent applications to six different educations, I'll just have to wait for a response... And then I'll have to take the entrance exams, and interviews. What a hassle...
And in the worse case scenario I might have to move to the capital, how scary is that?

Well, I'll get by... At least the summer is coming.

Blog about stuff

Posted by DrSalvadork - January 10th, 2009

I bought Super Smash Bros. Brawl today, and I've had a pretty good time playing it!
I find it just as fun to play as Melee was. They've improved on many things from melee, although some very small things are worse...

Now I just need a broadband router, and I'll be able to play online!

And finally a relaxing song that you can listen to if you feel like it.

Damn, the song was removed...
Here's another one instead.

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Posted by DrSalvadork - December 12th, 2008

I've recently discovered Pivot.

For those who don't know, Pivot is a free animation making program for making stick animations.
It's good for practice and making shorter animations, and it can really hone your stick animating skills!

Anyhow, here you can get Pivot if you feel like trying. (This is Pivot 3.0, don't try 2.5.5 cuz it kinda sucks...)

Pivot 3.0

Also there are threads here on NG, where you can post your stick animations, but also you can go to PivotDarkness.
It's a whole community for Pivot animations, and there are some nice guys to help you with using Pivot and that you can chat with about anything you want. My good friend 8ftsantivajr is an administrator there as well, and he's made some cool pivots too. So go check it out!

It's a pretty laid back place, everyone's animations are good enough! It has a real-time chat, different forum sections and the same easy to use interface as Maxxhi5!

Also try Maxxhi5, we'll be having more VSTs there soon, we will probably have a game there at some point, but that project is on hold right now...

Till next time. Oh and have a nice holiday!

Posted by DrSalvadork - November 7th, 2008

Check out the bass synth Leo has made! It's called MXBASS. You'll have to un-zip it and then install it. When installing you can choose the folder in which to save the VST.
It has some cool sounds, so give it a try!

I also made a song with it.
It's called <\ Waiting />...

Also check out Leo's html tutorial for noobs at our site the Maxxhi5 Community.

Leo's HTML Tutorial

It's an on-going tutorial where he'll be posting a new lesson every now and then, so if you want to learn, you should join! You don't have to register to read it, but if you DO register you'll be able to ask questions and to get further help!


Posted by DrSalvadork - November 1st, 2008

Hmm, it seems I'm developing a panic disorder. I've done some reading around, and it seems it's not uncommon, and it can be treated and cured through therapy, medication or psychological methodologies.

I just wanted to share my thoughts, as there might be others with the same problem, and if this lil info could help, then that would be great.

I read a bit of info at Wikipedia:
Panic Attack
Panic Disorder

The best info snippets are how the panic attacks work, and that there are many ways of coping with it.
It seems to start out of nowhere, your body reacts as if you were in lethal danger and releases endorphins into the blood. As a result your heart-rate will increase, you'll start to sweat and feelings of anxiety and fear of death may be present. These feelings give a stronger reaction from your body, and now you have a loop where the panic increases over time.

I've only had two actual full-out panic attacks so far, but that's just because I usually can escape the situation to stop it. I often feel an anxiety of the attack though, and I can feel milder anxiety levels randomly throughout whole days.
E.g. I didn't get any sleep last night because whenever I tried to go to bed, I started to feel an attack coming.
There are some different symptoms of the attack, and I experience sweating, mild out of breathedness, heart palpitation (you hear/feel your heart beat and can't stop thinking about it), CRAZY increased heart-rate and as a result fear of heart attack and death.

I've actually hold through an attack once, and it during a physics lecture, so there was nothing I could do! Felt like an awful torture or something, goddammit!

Anyhow if there's someone reading this, who has a panic disorder, remember:

Here's a technique Ima try tonight. If it doesn't work, I'll check out some more vids about it on YouTube, and might even have to seek help from a professional...


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