[Edit] I was going to do a Madness flash, but didn't have enough time to finish it...
Might complete it, but it's importance drops after Madness Day...
Also, ppl seem to have misunderstood a bit as I was a bit vague, about the news post below.
I didn't mean a hollow SOUND, I meant big parts almost dissapears, and some parts sound pretty raped as e.g drums play in one ear and melody in the other.
I think the problem might be with the headphones a listener uses. That's why I needed opinions in the first place.
Thanx go to Shortson and Owlsey for giving their opinions! [EDIT]
Ok, if you're reading this I'd appreciate a lil bit of help.
Skip to the end if you don't like reading.
Here's the premise:
I was using an extension chord for my head phones so far, and it's kinda screwed up the sound as long as I was using it. No panning worked, and now sound is much clearer without it.
The point is that when I made some of my songs, they sounded completely different to me than to those who listened to it. E.g CyberDevil called Maxxhi5 "hollow-sounding", and I thought he meant it doesn't have much to it. But now, without the extension it ACTUALLY sounds very hollow to me.
I've done a new version of the song Maxxhi5. Unfortunately I didn't have the same drum loop anymore, so it's a bit worse, also some Maxxhi5 effects that sounded cool before, I couldn't include now. = (
I'll redo some other songs too, if ppl think this one sounds better.
Here's what I want you to do:
If you haven't, check out the original Maxxhi5.
Then go check the new version. Please listen to both till the dnb beat is on, because that's where the original sounds most screwed up.
Thanx to those who'll help. And if no one helps, then screw all a yall! = )
[EDIT] I finally did what Black-Ops said, and made a bigger explosion gif for news posts. I'll change the personal image at some point too.