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DrSalvadork's News

Posted by DrSalvadork - October 22nd, 2008

It's not until now that I realized that I can post vids here...
Well here goes.
This song is friggin' magic man. Listen till 3:54 it gets moar awesome there...
EDIT: Forgot to say, the song is called "Sunshine Underground" by the Chemical Brothers.

/* */
On another note, check out Leo's html tutorial for noobs at our site the Maxxhi5 Community.

Leo's HTML Tutorial

It's an on-going tutorial where he'll be posting a new lesson every now and then, so if you want to learn, you should join! You don't have to register to read it, but if you DO register you'll be able to ask questions and to get further help!

Posted by DrSalvadork - October 5th, 2008

Alright the Maxxhi5 site, me and Leo are working on, has gone through a little face lift.
We lost all of the old posts in the process, but the forum is more organized now, with separate sections for different topics.
There's also a chat for registered users, and a download section that ANYONE can go to.
In the download section there are some simple VSTs that Leo's made, and the Maxxhi5 VST is there too.
We are working on different stuff, and are hoping to finish a space shooter-game at one point or another.
I'll also have some random images and flash there.

So check it out, and register if you like the place.


Also, woot, my whistle status turned normal! I'll try and not take any risks with weighing reviews from now on...

EDIT: Warning: Rnadmon image below. Made in Paint. END OF EDIT


Posted by DrSalvadork - September 4th, 2008

[Edit] I was going to do a Madness flash, but didn't have enough time to finish it...
Might complete it, but it's importance drops after Madness Day...
Also, ppl seem to have misunderstood a bit as I was a bit vague, about the news post below.
I didn't mean a hollow SOUND, I meant big parts almost dissapears, and some parts sound pretty raped as e.g drums play in one ear and melody in the other.
I think the problem might be with the headphones a listener uses. That's why I needed opinions in the first place.
Thanx go to Shortson and Owlsey for giving their opinions! [EDIT]

Ok, if you're reading this I'd appreciate a lil bit of help.

Skip to the end if you don't like reading.

Here's the premise:

I was using an extension chord for my head phones so far, and it's kinda screwed up the sound as long as I was using it. No panning worked, and now sound is much clearer without it.

The point is that when I made some of my songs, they sounded completely different to me than to those who listened to it. E.g CyberDevil called Maxxhi5 "hollow-sounding", and I thought he meant it doesn't have much to it. But now, without the extension it ACTUALLY sounds very hollow to me.

I've done a new version of the song Maxxhi5. Unfortunately I didn't have the same drum loop anymore, so it's a bit worse, also some Maxxhi5 effects that sounded cool before, I couldn't include now. = (

I'll redo some other songs too, if ppl think this one sounds better.

Here's what I want you to do:

If you haven't, check out the original Maxxhi5.
Then go check the new version. Please listen to both till the dnb beat is on, because that's where the original sounds most screwed up.

Thanx to those who'll help. And if no one helps, then screw all a yall! = )

[EDIT] I finally did what Black-Ops said, and made a bigger explosion gif for news posts. I'll change the personal image at some point too.

Song remaking...

Posted by DrSalvadork - August 24th, 2008

Made a new personal image.
Bcause of the size limit it's of awful quality, so here is the full-quality one.
(You have to see the full-quality one!)

Damn, my crappy clockday submission has a better score than my sprite flash...
The clockday thing took like an hour to make, and I worked like a monthe on the sprite one...
Well that's NG for ya, huh?

Posted by DrSalvadork - July 25th, 2008

[EDIT] There are new features in Maxxhi5! There's now a shoutbox for registered ppl, and some new VSTs by Leo. There's a Delay, EQ and Recorder VST. Also he's made a loop player. Those are in the download section. [EDIT]

I'm sure only Shortson and Leo have noticed that I've been gone...
I had some internet connection-related problems...

Anyhow, now I'm back with a new song.

Also I've been reading more about ActionScript, but it'll take long before I can do games/ the sort. I've read all the way up to the chapter about movie clips now...

Well I hope I can learn to do games, get better at music and get this collab done with Shortson...


(Full-quality here)

Back again

Posted by DrSalvadork - July 4th, 2008

Check out Leo's (and mine kind of...) site. It's the Maxxhi5 Community.

It has a forum now, and we're hoping for the community to grow.
Leo has done most of the work, but I'm helping with small visual details if needed.
Leo's done a really good job adding lots of features to the site, giving it potential to grow as a community. There are comprehensive statistics, and posting has short-cut keys to make things easy.

In the forums you can talk about music or general stuff, upload your own music/videos/images/flash and get comments on 'em or just comment on the site.

The site will also have an IRC of it's own.

I drew the anime chick you see on the home page, so go there even if you don't plan to stay. = )

Posted by DrSalvadork - June 15th, 2008

[EDIT] Please check out LeoLouis's profile. He's made a really cool song called Visualization, that I think is a bit underrated. So go listen to it!

Made a loop thing that I thought I'd make my new personal image. The file-size was too big though, so I'm showing it in a news post instead. Like what the hell, the size of StickWalk.swf is 25k and that of StickWalk.gif is 2628k? And the quality still sucked...

Anyhow here's the animation.

Also if you haven't already check out the VST in my twelfth news post.
That is all, good day.

Posted by DrSalvadork - May 11th, 2008

Me and Leo Louis have been working on a VST of our own. It's called Maxxhi5.
Leo started the project and asked me to join to design the GUI. Leo did everything else.

Here you can download the VST.

The VST adds some effect to sounds and is good for tweaking. Also you can control the right and left input separately.

Quote from Sourceforge:

"MaxxHi5 is VST Plug-in software which has some eq and FXS to your sound, from pan L & R, cutoff and resonance."


But if you just want to see what it looks like click here:

I made the design so check it out!!!

Posted by DrSalvadork - May 9th, 2008

There's so much you can learn and limited time...

Stuff that I wanna learn:
1. Getting better at Flash
2. Getting better at making music
3. Japanese (know a little by now)
4. Using ActionScript/making games in Flash
5. Maybe some scripting
6. Using Photoshop

That's about it, my goals for now. Also finishing High School.

Topic= Learning

Posted by DrSalvadork - April 26th, 2008

There's lots happening in the world of games right now.

SSBB will be published 27.06 here and there will be a new Tales of Symphonia game for the Wii this year!

I'll have to get my hands on those games!!!
