I'm now a proud owner of a Nintendo Wii!
Only game I have is WiiSports though...
Does anyone know if it's possible to get your Wii connected to the Internet so that it won't rely on a computer?
Also does anyone know where to get some sprite fx from Street Fighter? The hit sparks is what I'm after. The hitsparks that you get from here:
<-( check where it says 21)
I already have. I'd like the more simple looking spark fx.
Yay, new episodes of Late Night with Conan O'Brian are now airing!
I've been working on a sprite movie but kinda lost the enthusiasm to continue so I'm taking a break from animation for a while.
Because this was pretty much just random thoughts as a post I've included a spark picture that I made.
Oh yeah check out my submissions if you haven't already and REVIEW! I know they're not much but they'll get better. That's not a promise though...
So uh whens ur nxt anim? LoL^-^
Ive been sorta bored back where i live and im cravin for somethin new,
About ur Wii: Ive got sum frendz who own one and they use wii points to get the internet on their wii Without havin to rely on a computer!... not exactly sure how it works but yeah... I hope ta hear from yer soon!^-^
I'm working on it so relax, I'll get there. Although I have school and shit that's slowing production...
Now I'm stuck on the final fight and ending. I should just come up with a way to end the damn flash...
Also I put way too much time on getting the menu and scene-select screen to look cool. As if anyone ever uses the scene-select...
About the Wii: I think you've got something wrong there... The Wii points are used to buy stuff online once you already have the internet. I'm not a 100% sure though bout how it wurks...
I guess I'll get the regular cable connection thing that relies on the computer at some point. Our computer is on most of the time anyway. But then I'll have to use extension chords to get the Wii(in my room) connected to the computer(in the living room).
BTW saw your last thing, and was wondering how u got the stuff to react to the mouse like you did. It looked pretty cool and inventive. Did you use buttons or ActionScript for that?
See ya,